Iris Grütter

For Iris, yoga is a way of life, her anchor that always brings her back to herself and to her centre, no matter how turbulent and stormy things are at the moment. She first came into contact with yoga in 2006 and from then on she had an on/off relationship with yoga until 2014, when she felt deep inside that she wanted to teach yoga. Yoga has helped her through many a difficult time and she just knew that was what she wanted to pass on. She is immensely grateful to have walked this path, to be living her dream and to be able to accompany and support people on their journey a little bit with yoga.


  • Weekly group classes Wednesdays and Thursdays 09:15 - 10:30 a.m.

  • Individual support for people affected by cancer.


  • Advanced Teacher Training 300h, EcoAshram, Mysore, India.

  • Yoga Teacher 200h, Hatha Yoga School, Mels, Switzerland

  • Autogenic Training & Meditation Course Leader, fitmedi, Munich, Germany

  • Cert. Integral Coach & Dipl. Mental Coach, Living Sense, Bern

  • Teacher training yoga for cancer with Gerda Imhof

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